Saturday, April 26, 2014

Village "M" April Trip

Here is an update of our most recent trip to Village M.  It's amazing how many more pictures we have when Brita comes!  The discipleship of "R" and his family has gone well.  We dove into the Resurrection, its importance and implications one night.  We are also studying the story-line of redemption from Genesis through Revelation.  

Along with the disciplining the believers, we also continued building relationships and sharing the gospel with the residents in the village.  We had the privilege to visit an 81 year old woman and her 91 year old husband.  It was good to hear stories of the village 40+ years ago and a little of the story of this woman.  It seems almost every person has a biography worthy of the best sellers list!  Praying that this woman and her husband will find the pearl of great price, Jesus Christ!

Here is a snapshot of the trip while we were in the village.        

Evie and Hadassah had so much fun!

Selling the morning catch.

Walking to visit a family.

Fishing boats

Josh sharing the gospel through John chapter 4.

Our suburban got to come too :)

Evie and a new friend.

Sorghum fields. 

Welcome to Matamoros on the way back north.

A Day Looking through Brita's Eyes

Snakes and squirrels on the ceiling fan, kids in the cupboard, chores, school, fun with the family and friends.  Life is full of messes, spills, adventure and fun.

Not what I expected to see when I walked into the boys room!

We can eat a lot of eggs!

Battleship with a friend and a photo bomb by Evie and Mankie.

Evie and her bug friend "Scary"

The girls cleaning up their room.

Dan doing one of his chores after breakfast.

Paul working hard on his math lesson.

A couple hours at a nearby Estero Llano Grande State Park.

Alligator Lake:  I wonder if bear spray would work if we run into an alligator??

Not too excited to go to the grocery store...

Dinner experiment

Marveling at the veggies for sale with my shopping buddy.

Four square with friends.

You never know who you'll meet on the way to the laundry room in the dark!

Caterpillar friend- "Can I keep him?"

There are so many flowering trees and bushes and I have no idea what any of them are!

Neighborhood grocery store.  It's so great to be able to take a quick walk to get something we need.

Morning Bible reading.