Just a normal day at home for the kids and me.
Clara has been able to finish her school work so fast lately that she is already free to play.
Dan is reading a biography on C.S. Lewis and Paul is reading The Sword in the Tree by Clyde Robert Bulla.
Evie is having fun with her duckies.
And the "dishwasher" is running ;) and I am hoping to get a shower at some point today!
Josh is in class. At noon we have Ekklesea which is our small group. Then back to class for Josh, more school for the kids, a nap for Evie, and some house work for me. We are also gearing up for Josh's second trip across the border. He is hoping to find a small battery operated fan because he had trouble sleeping in the heat last time. We northerners can be pretty wimpy ;)
for the McKenzie Clan